QDB Quote #962978

#962978 + (-92) - [X]

On a sunny summer eve < Jan-> I really need to write up a readme on this to explain exactly what it's required to do. < Jan-> Every time I bring it up, I go through this same conversation. < Emil> Jan-: have you entertained the thought < Emil> that < Emil> you might be wrong? < Emil> If everytime you bring it up people tell you are wrong < Emil> Have you even considered the alternative? < Jan-> Sure. But then I've reexamined the situation, and realised that no, I'm right, it's just that you don't understand my use case. A few minutes later < Jan-> bear in mind I've explained this about a billion times and it always ends like this. < Jan-> it's getting really bloody tiresome. < Emil> it ends with people not wanting to hear your shit anymore < Jan-> I'm not an idiot, I have thought about this, I understand the problem.

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