gentoogod: omg dude
gentoogod: today i might the stupidest 3 people i ever met
gentoogod: thier 3 brains combined couldnt solve the dilemma
they faced today
siral21: what was it
gentoogod: ok before i say this
gentoogod: 100% true, not one second of a lie
gentoogod: this lady went into mcdonalds today and ordered a
big mac for her
gentoogod: and ordered 2 mcgrittles one for each kid. one had
bacon one without
gentoogod: her sons are around 18 or 19 so not infants
gentoogod: she went to the counter furious cause the son that
wanted bacon has no bacon on his and the one that didnt want
bacon has bacon on his
gentoogod: i fell on the floor beside her and couldnt stop
gentoogod: so i finally stood up and asked her to repeat,
thinking maybe shes drunk
gentoogod: i swear to god she looked at me straight faced and
repeated it. and her 2 sons were beside her mad that they
didnt get the order they wanted