QDB Quote #234970

#234970 + (6655) - [X]

<Tedward> so there's this pimp right. he's collecting money from his three ho's. <Tedward> he goes to the first ho and asks for his $100. she says, "But I only owe you $50!" <Tedward> he slaps her and says, "don't correct me, bitch!" <Tedward> he asks the next ho for $150. she says, "But I only owe you $100!" <Tedward> he slaps her and says, "don't correct me, bitch!" <Tedward> now he goes to his third ho. <Tedward> he asks for $200. "but I only owe you $150!" <Tedward> he slaps her and says, "don't correct me, bitch!" <Tedward> next he visits the fourth ho. <Tedward> he asks her for his $250. <Thy_Dungeonman> hold on, wait a sec <Tedward> what? <Thy_Dungeonman> you said three ho's, not four. idioth. *Tedward slaps Thy_Dungeonman <Tedward> Don't correct me, bitch.

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